A Question Not Easily Answered
What is it about painting that captivates me? It’s not a simple question to answer. For me, it’s the experience of holding the brush, moving paint within a space, and watching something tangible emerge. It’s a deeply satisfying process—if I allow myself to stop overthinking.
I call this concept Action Without a Purpose (AWAP). My goal is not to create something specific but to discover myself through the act of painting. As I guide the brush and fill the space with designs, I’m transported into a realm of mystery. Even though I might have a vague idea of the final result—perhaps a scene with birds—I’m still venturing into the unknown.
Take my painting, Mourning Doves, as an example. You can view it in the Birds, Bees, and Butterflies gallery. This avian family is depicted feeding together, with one bird standing watch, almost as if protecting the others. Look closely at the background—the environment I’ve created for them. Here is where AWAP truly takes over.
Guided by inspiration, I begin painting without a specific purpose, letting the process lead me. Suddenly, trees, water, and sky emerge—softly blurred yet distinct—contrasting with the ordinary brown tones of the doves. The painting evolves organically, becoming uniquely mine.
Thank you for joining me on this journey of discovery.
Peace and love. Russ Myers