That's odd! We say. That's chaos! We say.
What does that mean to a painter? Simply stated it's "Oddos". A combining of two words (odd and chaos) that defy any interpretation. Except, when visually expressed by the painter.
Many people say artists are a little off in the head. They draw a circle around their ear, point to the artist and snicker. Artist, have no fear, because you were just given a compliment.
The painter's goal is to interpret the behavior of humanity, both odd and chaotic, trying to make artistic sense out of it. In other words be abstract and realistic, summarizing the blurry and sharp attitudes and perceptions of humanity through your art.
Often, in my paintings I incorporate what is termed abstract realism. It's a summarization of form and color with a splash of something people call reality. See my painting "Mist after the Rain" in the Dreamscape Gallery.
Abstract realism was invented during the French Expressionism period around 1900, an art movement that characterized the use of expressive colors and brushwork to convey subjective feelings and experiences.
Abstract realism is an art style that combines abstract art and realism to create a subjective impression of reality. Abstract art uses colors, textures, lines, and shapes to convey emotion or rhythm, while realism aims to capture details of nature and reality. Abstract realism is a modern take on traditional painting that allows for more freedom and creativity. Very often I observe the world in this fashion.
When I mix some abstractness with a little realism I create "Oddos". A window into the oddly chaotic world.
I am available for online one-on-one art lessons. Please click on ART LESSONS on the home page for more information.
Peace and love. Russ