It's okay. Many people dream in color, especially artistic types of individuals.
In my youth I discovered that my night dreams extended into the light of day. Back then it was hard to know if I was asleep and dreaming or awake and daydreaming. Mostly, because colors were the same. The colors were very vivid no matter what time it was. As time passed, I managed to separate night dreaming from daydreaming.
Color perception continues to deeply influence my art.
I remember while growing up and attending school I would look out the windows as much as possible so I could see the colors of the sky. Some days the sky was blue, other days gray and sometimes a bright white. Often, I would pick up a pencil and start drawing clouds, birds and trees. I would compose a kind of storyboard and sketch a stormy sky, with an airplane in flight, green grass with a rabbit running by, then add different kinds of landscaping.
I would enter a very subjective world, painted by my imagination.
Now, when I paint, I basically do the same thing, mixed with personal feelings, tastes, experiences and opinions. I let go of the objective reality of time and place, trying to reflect the true perspective of my inner being. However, I learned this requires the ability to perceive the colorful realities of nighttime and daytime equally, in order to maintain a balance of artistic rationality.
I am available for online one-on-one art lessons. Please click on ART LESSONS on the home page for more information.
Peace and love.
Russ Myers