Of course we are aware that the wildlife within the environment need our help. Here are some options for beginning to help...
- Garden with native plants while avoiding invasive plants
- Educate others about the importance of native plants
- Do both of the above
Other practices that promote sustainability and improve our environment include:
- Minimize your lawn area as much as possible to reduce gasoline and chemical use
- Avoid chemicals, such as Roundup, that negatively affect pollinator insects
- Allow leaves to remain on your property, they act as a natural mulch, save water and increase biomass
- Start a compost pile for food, kitchen and garden waste
- Conserve water in the home and install rain barrels
- Reduce, reuse, recycle and upcycle
- Save energy in the home
- Sustainable shopping
- Reduce meat consumption, increase plant-based meals
- Walk, bike, use public transportation and drive electric vehicles
- Plant trees
- Support local farmers and sustainable food systems
- Air dry your clothes
- Go solar
- Buy second-hand
Just think, every day we have 1,000's of opportunities to choose something that makes the world a little better. None of us get it 100% right but if we all do the best we can and just think about it, think a little more broadly, then I think we will make a tremendous difference.