Art space is not the size or area of a painting but the size and area of any creative limitations.
Think or assume in limitations and your vision become limited. Visions are ideas of things yet to be experienced with a brush, paint and a blank surface.
Let's say my subject matter is based in nature, for example, a tree. Am I limited by its form and function or limited by who I am? View the painting "Moonlit Summer Maple" in the tree gallery. I did not place any limits on my theme, moonlight, so I FIRST envisioned moonbeams being projected from the moon passing down through the tree branches. Realistically there are no such things as moonbeams until I create a vision within a vision.
SECOND, according to my vision, I paint moonbeams of light streaming from the moon onto the tree, passing around the branches of the tree planted in the ground. Utilizing this method, two visions, creates who I am as a painter/artist.
Peace and love. Russ Myers