Art Sales... Ugh!

January 14, 2025  •  Leave a Comment

    I approach the subject of selling art like I would when beginning a painting-  with an idea or inspiration... followed by a little research. For example, some of my paintings are of birds. Go to my painting Northern Cardinals in the Birds, Bees and Butterflies Gallery. To research cardinals I begin by asking questions like who, what, when, were and how. Marketing is no different.

Except, if your dead set against selling your artwork. In that case try to rethink marketing your artwork. Maybe do some online research and get inspired.

Earlier in my life I wanted to be a wedding photographer. Wanting to do that, I met with a professional wedding photographer who was glad to help. Gosh, I said to myself, is this marketing? I followed his advice and spent 20 years as a pro wedding photographer loving every second of my photography dream actually coming true. 

My brother, Dan, discovered my wedding photography career. I gave him a book about photography and he started his own photography business. Now we are creating a website and marketing our skills. 

Getting over the thought of rejection is the most difficult part. I believe if just one out of ten people get truly excited about your work- you have the basis for a business! Then it just becomes a matter of getting your work in front of lots of people.

Marketing is developing your style, then getting it out there in front of lots of people. It's important to find a high traffic area to exhibit/sell your work.

Peace and love. Russ Myers

I am available for online one-on-one art lessons. Please click on ART LESSONS on the home page for more information. 



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