Art Costs and Freedom

January 15, 2025  •  Leave a Comment

What does a pencil and a sheet of paper cost? Nothing. Now, draw something. Anything.

Art surrounds us. Even the air. Remember the art inside of you is unique.

Here's a hint on how to begin.

Believe your pencil touching the paper is your individual feelings waiting to be made visual. You will be drawing four faint lines. Move your pencil across the paper dividing the space in a tic tac toe pattern. Top to bottom left to right, dividing the space into thirds. Look at your design. The lines intersect in the middle at four points. At or around one of these points is where you will draw, not to small but in a general way, a simple circle, square or triangle. Notice it's off center. You have now discovered the three secrets of painting.

The rule of thirds, the rule of off center and the rule of artistic psychology.

View my painting "Baja Sunset" in the Dreamscape Gallery. In your imagination see how I divided my surface into thirds. Observe the sun off a little to the right. I painted in a few colors to accentuate my visual theme, a sunset. This is one of many classic designs where you can create many versions of who you are in the space you live.

I am available for online one-on-one art lessons. Please click on ART LESSONS on the home page for more information. 


Peace and love. Russ


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